It’s time for The Next Rep™ !

Physical Activity for Pre-Teens and Teenagers

To remain healthy, pre-teens and teenagers should be doing light, moderate, and vigorous physical activity each day.  There are several reasons why pre-teens and teens must perform enough physical exercise each day/week. One reason that physical activity is important is that it improves heart and lung health, as well as strengthens bones and muscles. Getting enough exercise helps to boost your child’s immune system and simultaneously reduces the risk of

Eb’s Flex: Weight Off Your (Lower) Back

Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S, FlexIt’s Head of Training & Innovation and Fitness Director of Men’s Health, joins The Next Rep™ to share some important health and wellness tips that can be completed Wherever, Whenever®. These simple-to-follow exercises are designed to be low lift opportunities to consistently improve one’s health and wellbeing.  The back is very important (huge understatement)! This lower back stretch will improve the three main functions of your body.

Eb’s Flex: Inch Worm

Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S, FlexIt’s Head of Training & Innovation and Fitness Director of Men’s Health, joins The Next Rep™ to share some important health and wellness tips that can be completed Wherever, Whenever®. These simple-to-follow exercises are designed to be low lift opportunities to consistently improve one’s health and wellbeing.  Don’t forget those abs! Support your abdominal and general upper-body strength with the Inch Worm. This movement will get your

Eb’s Flex: Loosen Your Shoulders & Chest

Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S, FlexIt’s Head of Training & Innovation and Fitness Director of Men’s Health, joins The Next Rep™ to share some important health and wellness tips that can be completed Wherever, Whenever®. These simple-to-follow exercises are designed to be low lift opportunities to consistently improve one’s health and well-being.  Working hard is just that, hard work. This can be tiresome for your brain activity, and poor posture can be

RISE Up: Study Insight

A recent 12-week long study was conducted to determine how multimodal RISE training affects various outcome measures between middle aged men and women throughout different periods of the day. Roughly half the participants exercised in the morning and half in the afternoon. The measures included muscular strength, endurance, body fat, and blood pressure.  (R) – Resistance  (I) – Intervals  (S) – Stretching  (E) – Endurance  At the conclusion of this