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FlexIt: Ask a Trainer – Eb Samuel – Working Out When Sore

Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S, FlexIt’s Head of Training Innovation and Fitness Director of Men’s Health Health is a veteran in the fitness industry. He’s logged training time with NFL and track athletes; his current training regimen includes weight training, HIIT conditioning, and yoga. When it comes to reaching those results you seek, Eb has you covered! In the seventh installment of FlexIt: Ask a Trainer, Eb Samuel answers James’ question about

What is Barre and Why is it Helpful?

What is it?  Barre is a low-impact workout you can do at home or in a studio to gain strength and build endurance among other things. This specific workout involves dance moves that are usually found in ballet as well as other forms such as Yoga, Pilates, and aerobics. Barre can contribute to your overall fitness and health, help you preserve a healthy body weight, and keep your body in

Monday Flex: Core Plank!

FlexIt’s Julie Bobek, who specializes in core training and other modalities, shares a core strengthening exercise to start the day off right.  Julie’s Take: Core exercises, while difficult, are low impact and great for overall physical health.  Follow Along: Before the exercise, you should be on a mat lying down on the waistline of your shorts/pants. Once you are lying down, roll your legs out to a 45-degree angle, and

FlexIt: Ask a Trainer – Julie Bobek Helps You Avoid Skipping Workouts

Julie Bobek is a FlexIt Elite Trainer whose specialties include TRX, Weight Training, Functional Mobility, Core Training, Barre, Form Correction, Bootcamp, Fat Loss, Pilates, Spin, Boxing, Strength, Athletic Performance, Kettlebells, HIIT. Julie focuses heavily on proper form and education when training individuals. In the sixth installment of FlexIt: Ask a Trainer, Julie Bobek offers helpful tips into what it enabling motivation and avoiding skipping workouts. These best practices can be

Monday Flex: Lunge with Rotation

FlexIt’s Chris Pabon, who specializes in functional mobility among other modalities, is back to share an important exercise to help alleviate the lower back tightness that is common in the population. Chris’ Take: A lunge with a controlled rotation is the perfect method to train the lower back. Not only does this activate the lower back, but it helps engage other supplementary muscles in the body. One thing to keep