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How to Make Personal Training More Personal

Personal training is one of the most effective and accessible measures an individual can take to get in shape and improve their overall health! Whether it’s fitness training, low-impact wellness training, or nutrition training, the intentionality is consistent throughout. There are many reasons one would consider personal training, with the top of them being that it’s *wait for it* personal! This is someone you can personally work with and learn from. They also have the opportunity to learn who you are and how you best operate. 

With FlexIt, clients typically start a program to kickstart their overall wellness journey. They are seeking motivation, accountability, and encouragement to guarantee they will see results. FlexIt helps connect users with experts who will work with them live and design a personalized program that is convenient and customizable. To make it easy, this can all be done from a mobile device or computer. Share your goals with FlexIt. 

How does FlexIt take it to the next level though? What are ways FlexIt makes personal training more personal? 


FlexIt offers a full holistic approach to personal training. This is not a strength training program or an endurance-enhancing platform. This isn’t even a wellness retreat. But with FlexIt, users’ have the opportunity to train across multiple modalities, both high and low-impact fitness and wellness. This variety is easily customizable to the individual and offers each user the opportunity to intentionally target different areas of their body whenever they would like. 

With FlexIt, users have the opportunity to work with multiple professionals if they so choose. If a user prefers one trainer for strength, another for HIIT, a third for yoga, and also enjoys nutritional training, FlexIt has them covered. 


A huge barrier for some individuals is working out in front of others. With FlexIt, users have the opportunity to conduct their fitness and wellness training wherever, whenever. Each trainer has methods to get the most out of a workout, with as much or as little equipment as is available. 

So how do you make personal training more personal? Offer intentionality and customizability. FlexIt can do just that. To learn more, chat with a coach today. 

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