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Monday Flex: Lunge with Rotation

FlexIt’s Chris Pabon, who specializes in functional mobility among other modalities, is back to share an important exercise to help alleviate the lower back tightness that is common in the population. Chris’ Take: A lunge with a controlled rotation is the perfect method to train the lower back. Not only does this activate the lower back, but it helps engage other supplementary muscles in the body. One thing to keep

FlexIt: Ask a Trainer – Johanna Sapakie – Training Like a Celeb

Johanna Sapakie is a FlexIt PRO Virtual Personal Trainer and Trainer of the Stars. Johanna has worked with stars like Madonna, Miley Cyrus, and Jennifer Lopez, on both the movie Hustlers and her famed Super Bowl Halftime show. She has also worked on high-profile projects like Dancing With the Stars… Madonna: The Confessions Tour… Michael Jackson ONE Birthday Celebration… the newest Cirque Du Soleil shows in Las Vegas, and much

Monday Flex: Dead Bug

FlexIt’s Chris Pabon is back to show us another instrumental exercise for the core that focuses on the lower portion of the abs. The Dead Bug is very quick to complete and easy to do effectively. Follow Along: To start off by lying on your back with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle and your hands facing the ceiling. In controlled motion, move your opposing limbs simultaneously so

FlexIt: Ask a Trainer – Kristen Halleran Offers Her Take on Intermittent Fasting

Kristen Halleran is a nutrition and lifestyle professional passionate about helping others achieve their goals in a realistic way. Halleran’s expertise is in weight loss, peak performance, autoimmune, digestive health, and many more. Kristen understands the world of nutrition can be challenging. There is so much information out there and the truth is not always the same for each individual. With that understanding in mind, Kristen offers her take on

Supplements vs Food: What’s the Verdict?

Did you know that over 90% of Americans don’t meet their dietary recommendations for nutritional intake? 🤔Many people lack critical dietary nutrients despite how healthy they may believe their diet to be. As a result, some turn to dietary supplements and multivitamins to reach their daily nutritional needs, but is this truly an effective way to aid your diet?  Let’s dive deeper into supplements and their benefits and shortcomings.  Benefits