Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S, FlexIt’s Head of Training Innovation and Fitness Director of Men’s Health Health is a veteran in the fitness industry. He’s logged training time with NFL and track athletes; his current training regimen includes weight training, HIIT conditioning, and yoga. In the first installment of FlexIt: Ask a Trainer, Eb Samuel offers key tips for low-weight workouts.
Hi, everyone. I’m Ebenezer Samuel. I’m the head of Training Innovation here at Flexit, and I’m excited to bring you this episode of Ask a Celebrity Trainer.
So today’s question is all about where you get started in your fitness because a lot of people aren’t sure what piece of equipment they should get.
If you have just one piece of equipment, there’s a lot out there and it can be hard to figure out where you can get started. I’m here to tell you, it is not as hard as people make it seem.
We want to start with the most basic piece of equipment out there, and that piece of equipment is going to be able to carry you very far in your strength training.
The answer to the question is we’re going to start with a simple dumbbell.
Now, you don’t need to get a heavy dumbbell. You want to get something that you can handle. But the reasons we should start with the dumbbell are incredibly easy.
The biggest thing is, wherever we go, we’re probably going to have access to dumbbells in some way.
We can go to a gym, in a hotel gym. We’re going to have access to that equipment.
So why don’t we start our training journey training on that equipment?
Again, don’t go heavy. Choose like an eight-pounder, even a five-pounder to get started.
Choose something manageable. It’s going to be able to translate into a lot of fashions.
The other key thing about a dumbbell is you’re going to be able to do all of your exercises and hit every key body part with a dumbbell.
No complication there. So we can train our arms.
I can do my biceps curls, I can also train my back, I can hit some rows and I can do squats, lunges, deadlifts, and other key exercises too.
So stick with a simple dumbbell in your training.
Don’t feel like you need to overcomplicate it and don’t feel like you need to go down this road where you need a whole ton of equipment.
Thanks for joining me for this edition of Ask a Celebrity Trainer.
And keep following this series because we’re going to keep giving you tips as we go on.